Bermudagrass - Pasto Estrella - Bermuda - Tifton -
Bermudagrass is a high-yielding, sod-forming grass that is well-suited for grazing or hay production. It grows best on well-drained, fertile soils where ample moisture is available. Bermudagrass does not persist on poorly-drained Flatwoods soils but can be successfully grown on deep sandy soils because of its deep root system.Georgia has played important roles in the history of forage bermudagrass in the U.S. and around the world. Common bermudagrass was reportedly introduced into the U.S. (probably from either India or Africa) in 1751 by Georgia’s second royal governor, Henry Ellis, in Savannah. Researchers and plant breeders from Georgia have also made significant advances that resulted in improved bermudagrass yields and forage quality. During his career, Dr. Glenn Burton, plant geneticist at the Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (GCPES) in Tifton from 1936-1997, developed several hybrid bermudagrasses for southern forage programs. His most successful releases (e.g., “Coastal,” “Tifton 44,” and “Tifton 85") continue to be recommended throughout the southeastern U.S. and in similar climates around the world. The warm season grass breeding program at the GCPES has continued this legacy of significant improvement in forage bermudagrass, with new and improved cultivars on the horizon.
![Common bermudagrass](
Common bermudagrass grows on more than 400,000 acres in Georgia. Although common does not provide high yields (only 50 to 60 percent as much hay per acre as Coastal) it can be effectively used in forage programs to provide summer grazing. In north Georgia, it commonly invades tall fescue but can be effectively utilized in the pasture, especially when combined with clover.
Improved seeded bermudagrasses are becoming more popular, particularly when sprigging an improved hybrid bermudagrass is not feasible. However, care should be exercised when selecting a seeded variety, as some relatively inexpensive seeded varieties may merely be unimproved common varieties from other regions.
Detailed information about vegetatively-propagated and improved seeded varieties of bermudagrass is provided in UGA Cooperative Extension Circular 919: “Selecting a Forage Bermudagrass Variety.” Varieties that are currently recommended are listed on the “Forage Species and Varieties Recommended for Use in Georgia” web page.
Vegetative Establishment of Bermudagrass:
Hybrid bermudagrasses produce few viable seed in a pure stand and must be established from vegetative plant material. Freshly dug sprigs (rhizomes or stolons) are the best source of planting stock for hybrid bermudagrasses. Although mature top growth (clippings or “tops”) can be used to establish stands of some varieties, growing conditions must be favorable for top-growth plantings to succeed.![commercial sprigging machine](
Plant hybrid bermudagrass sprigs into a moist, well-prepared seedbed at a sprigging rate of at least 30 to 50 bushels of sprigs per acre. Commercial sprigging machines generally result in the best results (Figure 8). These machines plant sprigs two to three inches deep and firm the soil around the sprigs. Broadcast applications of sprigs can also result in successful establishment if 50 to 75 bushels of sprigs per acre are spread on a prepared seedbed and immediately lightly-disked into the soil. Regardless of establishment method, it is important to firm the soil around the sprig to maintain sprig/soil contact, retain soil moisture, and improve sprig survival. The sprigs should not be covered with more than about one to two inches of soil. Sprigs that are covered too deeply may not survive, especially on heavy clay soils that crust over after a rain.
Prior to planting, apply lime, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) according to soil test recommendations. Apply 35 to 50 lbs. of N per acre after the sprigs start to grow. With early planting dates, a second application of 50 to 75 lbs. of N per acre will be necessary to promote rapid coverage. Good weed control during the establishment phase is essential. Newly-established bermudagrass cannot compete with rapidly growing annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. A thick cover of weeds slows stand establishment by shading the emerging bermudagrass plants and preventing the bermudagrass stolons from pinning down.
Application of diuron, a pre-emergence herbicide, will help reduce weed competition in newly-sprigged bermudagrass. Diuron applications provide fair to good control of crabgrass, crowfootgrass, and goosegrass and provide residual control of certain annual broadleaf weeds. Diuron should be applied immediately after sprigging before weeds emerge. Bermuda sprigs should be planted two inches deep to lessen the chance of injury. Emerged bermudagrass at the time of treatment may be temporarily injured. Do not graze or feed treated foliage for 70 days after diuron application. After emergence, most broadleaf weeds can be controlled with 2,4-D. See the Georgia Pest Management Handbook and check with your county Extension agent for additional information and current recommendations.
Establishment of Seeded Bermudagrass:
Plant five to eight lbs. of bermudagrass seed (hulled) per acre into a moist, well-prepared seedbed in spring to early summer. Seed can be drilled or broadcast and cultipacked to firm the soil. Do not graze or harvest for hay until the plants are well-established. With good growth conditions, spring plantings can be grazed in late summer.Weeds can be a major problem in new plantings of seeded bermudagrass. No pre-emergence herbicides are labeled for seeded bermudagrass establishment. Broadleaf weeds can be controlled with 2,4-D after the bermudagrass is four to six inches tall. Crabgrass and other annual grasses will not be controlled with 2,4-D or other herbicides. Thus, mowing may be necessary to keep crabgrass from dominating the stand.
Bahiagrass is a deep-rooted perennial adapted to a wide range of soils in the Coastal Plain region. It spreads by short, stout stolons and is a prolific seed-producing plant. Bahiagrass will grow on soils too poorly-drained for bermudagrass, is more shade tolerant than bermudagrass, and can be used in woodland pastures (silvopasture). Though it responds to proper fertility, it does not respond to high fertility as well as improved bermudagrasses and will persist in pastures with a low level of management.![bahigrass](
Information about varieties of bahiagrass that are currently recommended may be found on the “Forage Species and Varieties Recommended for Use in Georgia” web page.
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