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martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

Oklahoma Quality Beef Network

OQBN Vac-45 Requirements


The OQBN Vac-45 program benefits buyers and sellers buy providing the industry heavier and healthier cattle.  As a beef cattle producer, the benefits to participate in OQBN Vac-45 include reduced cattle stress and shrink, an improved immune system, increases sale weight of cattle, increased market demands, brand-neutral (you and your veterinarian select the products and the timing of vaccinations), and OQBN cattle can be dual certified in other health management verification programs.


To enroll calves in the OQBN, there are a few requirements that must be met:
- Bull calves must be castrated and healed
- Calves must be dehorned and healed
- Calves must be weaned 45 days or longer
- Beef Quality Assurance guidelines must be followed
- Calves must be tagged with a program-compliant ear tag
- Must follow one of three vaccination protocols
The OQBN vac-45 program is “brand-neutral” meaning that you and your veterinarian select the vaccine products and the timing of vaccinations.  The timing of vaccinations include :
Option #1 (branding and weaning)
Option #2 (pre-weaning and weaning) 
Option #3 (weaning and post-weaning).

Option #1

At Branding:- IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3 (Modified Live Virus)
- Pasteurella pneumonia
- Clostridial/Blackleg

At Weaning:- IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3 (Modified Live Virus)
- Pasteurella pneumonia
- Clostridial/Blackleg

Option #2

2-6 Weeks Prior to Weaning:
- Pasteurella pneumonia
- Clostridial/Blackleg
At Weaning:- IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3
- Clostridial/Blackleg

Option #3

At Weaning:
- Pasteurella pneumonia
- Clostridial/Blackleg
14-28 Days later:- IBR, BVD, BRSV, PI3
- Clostridial/Blackleg


The following are the OQBN Vac-45 Health and Management Recommendations:
- Deworm and treat for external parasites
- Provide abundant, clean and fresh water at all times
- Provide abundant high quality grass hay or pasture
- Feed concentrate supplement for a minimum of seven days after weaning to train cattle to eat from a bunk and come to feed
- Provide free choice mineral supplementation
- Provide a coccidiostat such as Bovatec®, Corid®, Rumensin®, or Deccox® through the feed, water or mineral
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